Survey Reveals Some Black Law Students Experience Daily Microaggressions, Most Have Six-figure Student Loan Debt

Survey Results

How often do you experience microaggressions at your law school?

8 – Daily

15 – Weekly

12- Monthly

10 – Rarely

1 – Never

1 – No Answer

When you finish law school, how much will you owe in total undergraduate and law school?

7 – Under 50,000

13 – 50,001 – 100,000

9 – 100,001 – 150,000

9 -150,001 – 200,000

2 200,001 – 250,000

4 – 250,001 – 300, 000

3 – 300,001+

Did you secure a legal job after second year?

11- No

15 – Non-paid

Do you feel you receive adequate faculty and administrative support from your law school?

23 – No

24 -Yes

Is there adequate black faculty at your law school?

31 – No

16 – Yes